As I am writing this, I should be working on my industry analysis paper for class but need to clear my mind. This paper has been very stressful. I still have one main section left and then my executive summary and conclusion to write. I should probably do a couple appendices as well. The good news is that class was cancelled tomorrow night to give us time to finish up the final details of the paper. It will be nice once this is all over and I can work on the final project for the class, which is a team survey. That should be a pretty fun assignment to end the class in a couple weeks.
Our big Streichers Days sale is coming up in August and with my new position, I will have a different role than years past. I will be contacting vendors to invite them to come and represent themselves at the sale. Hopefully we get a great turnout in both vendor participation and customers. In the past, our big draw was to offer half off 5.11 Tactical pants with a donation of a wearable pants to the Salvation Army. This year this will slightly change as we are only giving $20 off 5.11 Tactical pants with a donated pair. The good news is that there is not limit on what style 5.11 pant you can use the $20 towards. In years past, customers were limited to only their tactical pants, and not their uniform pants. With most of our customers being in law enforcement, many should like to be able to use that $20 towards new uniform pants.
I added a lot of knives to the website in the last week.
Until next time.........
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