Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Well the weather was not the best in Minneapolis this past weekend.  I think it rained a little everyday over the holiday weekend, so my wife and I didnt get to do anything fun outside.  What we did do was paint our porch.  She has a break from school right now, so she is on a mission to get things done around the house.  I like her ambition, it is just hard for me since I am in class right now and still have plenty of reading and writing to do.  I was able to help her with the painting and get my interview analysis written for class this Wednesday.  I'll get some pictures up soon.

A couple game 7s in the Stanley Cup playoffs are on in the next two nights, so I am hoping to catch some of them while I do some homework.  It has been hard for me to watch without cable, but I have found a way to stream online.

Here is a brand new holster from Bianchi that looks to be a nice option to carry a gun with a mounted light on it.  http://policehq.com/Products/BI-140

Until next time....

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