Sunday, May 19, 2013


Welcome to my blog.  This has been something I have thought about doing for awhile and for what ever reason, today is the day I am starting.  I need a break from homework, this management research class is going to be challenging I think.  I am a little nervous about this first assignment due in a week and a half.  I need to schedule interviews with people and with the Memorial Day Holiday coming up next weekend, I could see this being a challenge.  The reason I have homework is I am pursuing my MBA right now and unlike a lot of schools, I have class straight through the summer.

I am also playing hockey for the first time in five months later tonight.  I am pretty excited for it but am not amused that the game doesnt start until 10:50 PM.  This is going to make for a late night and rough start to the week.  The good news about work is I was offered a new position as the Product Category Manager at my current company  Check it out!  There will be more posts about this as I start up the position.

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