Friday, May 24, 2013

Long Weekend

I spent some time training today in my new marketing position.  While I have a lot to learn, I am really looking forward to the move in another week or so.  Using the back end of a website is quite interesting and very in depth.  I couldnt tell you a thing I learned today, but I might be able to show you.  I'll be in charge of making sure my products from the categories that I am managing are showing up on the website and will have full control over the marketing of them.  My MBA program has already been paying off as I feel I have a general understanding of marketing to today's customers.

I'm excited it is Friday and will be staying in town this weekend.  I have a paper due next Wednesday and need to work on that while continuing to keep up on my reading and researching for my industry analysis.  My industry analysis will be on firearms and I will be focusing all my efforts on that topic through my MBA program.  I hope to be almost an expert on that industry by the time I am done, which will work nicely with my new found position.

For my product of the day to check out, please visit

Until next time.....

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