Monday, August 19, 2013

Championship Game

My hockey team won last night, meaning we are playing in the championship game next Sunday in our league.  What does the winning team get?  The coveted T-shirt!  Yep, we pay a lot of money to win a T-shirt.  I actually have one, from when we won a couple years ago.  It is as exciting as it sounds, a white T-shirt with the Minnesota Wild logo on it.  I did chip in with two goals last night, so I dont just take up space on the ice every game.

It is also time to start studying for my fantasy football drafts.  This year, I am in two leagues, one which is going to have an auction style draft.  I am pretty excited for this, since I have been hearing for the last five years that this is the way to play fantasy football.  Many of my league members have been hesitant to try this, so we had to do a second league with 8 of us to be the guinea pigs.  I am glad we are drafting in the next few weeks.  With all the injuries in preseason, it is nice to do it as close as possible to the start of the season.  I will fully admit that I really want AP on my team(s).

During Streichers Days, a rep from Command Arms came in to show me their new Red Dot Reflex Sight.  This sight was very impressive and comparing it side by side with EoTech showed that it should be a force to be recon with in this category.  To check it our for yourself click on the link.

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